Grab your FREE companion kit to Headlines, Subheads and Value Propositions and...

Nail the most important copy you'll ever write

Get 64+ headline and subhead formulas so you can immediately revamp your copy. Then make sure your headline is publish-ready with the Headline Hero Checklist.

PLUS, get every exercise and worksheet from Headlines, Subheads & Value Propositions in an easy-to-reference digital workbook.

It's all in your free companion kit!

Cover of the copywriting book Headlines, Subheads & Value Propositions


“Very flattering excerpt of something someone said to us or about us that we got approval to use.”


“Very flattering excerpt of something someone said to us or about us that we got approval to use.”

Looking for more in-depth headline and copy training?

10 lessons
1.5 hours


See how to make your CMO giddy to greenlight every headline you write, with Master of Headlines.

Joanna Wiebe

24 lessons
3.5 hours