Thinkific presents Copy Hackers

INSTRUCTOR: Ry Schwartz, Launch Copywriter 

Ry has written launch copy for the six- and seven-figure course launches of masters like Amy Porterfield and Todd Herman.  

Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers

INSTRUCTOR: Joanna Wiebe, Copy Hackers

Joanna regularly launches her own high six-figure courses. She writes and designs the long-form sales pages for her launches. 

Watch the secrets of six-figure course sales pages

Worksheet for webinar

After more than 5 years of charging $10K+ to write sales pages for course creators, we're ready to share 7 dirty little secrets about launches (you'll love #5)

  • That slick funnel you're working on? It's a distraction: A basic email-to-sales-page funnel written brilliantly outsells an expensive and complex launch funnel time after time. 
  • Affiliates and partners won't save the day: Wanna get the big bucks? Affiliates help. But they want you to write sales copy for them. Which means you gotta master copy TODAY. 
  • People don't watch sales videos: Banking on your prospects watching that sales video you shot? They won't. If those videos worked, course-sales masters wouldn't use long-form sales pages. Long copy is what closes students. 
  • Nobody wants to "learn." People want miracles. They want magical results. Can your training give them those things? That's not the point. Sell the outcome, not the steps to get there.
  • Your emails get the clicks - but your page is what closes: Oh, and guess what - in this training, we're giving you a bonus tip for writing launch sales emails, too! 
  • Only some sales pages need to be long: The sales page you drive people to on "cart open" day will be longer than the "cart close" page. One size does not fit all. (But what should you delete?)
  • Actual course content barely matters during launch: You can create the most revolutionary training program on the planet. But if you make mistakes with your sales copy, a huge mass of students will slip through your fingers - and your clever curriculum won't matter.