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That moment in a Zoom call when you think your client is going to start rewriting your copy live but instead they say:

“The emails you wrote are great. Can you help us rewrite our pricing page next?"

“The emails you wrote are great. Can you help us write our pricing page next?"

Positioning yourself as an indispensable team member in this dispensable world is difficult for most people.

But imagine for a moment how your life would improve if you wielded the power to generate revenue practically on demand. What if:

You never again worried when you heard through the Slack DM grapevine that your department was about to be reorganized.

And you stopped staring down your Google news feed filled with the latest doom and gloom updates from the New York Stock Exchange and national real estate reports.

If you possessed the unique set of skills that businesses throw money at, maybe then you’d…

If you possessed the unique set of skills that businesses throw money at, maybe then you’d…

Ask for that raise or higher rates so you could get ahead in life – buy organic, travel, invest when stocks are at their lowest, basically employ money the way rich people do – while everyone else is struggling to deal with inflation…

Confidently recommend new strategies and approaches to clients without fear of confrontation… because you know the Why behind everything you do (and precisely why your client needs to hire you for a new strategy)…

Experience that moment when you deposit another large check and the bank teller raises an eyebrow… or lay down your credit card at the end of a meal with your old crew from high school… and proudly explain “I’m a conversion copywriter” when people go, “What do you do again?” 

And you’re the only person in the room who actually knows how to turn words into money.

These moments are not distant dreams. They’re not fantasies. Conversion copywriters don’t read them and go, “Yeah wouldn’t that be nice?”

They read them and go:

“I closed $12,000 last week

Abi Prendergast

Conversion copywriter

“This year I booked my first $35k month

Jesse Gernigin

Conversion copywriter

“On my way to a $200k year

Jacob Suckow

Conversion copywriter

Conversion copywriters are putting an end to the myth of the starving writer. We’re transforming our writing talents into copy that generates wins for our teams and clients… We know that:

Financial security becomes inevitable when you’re the most profitable person in the room.

Financial security becomes inevitable when you’re the most profitable person in the room.

In 2022, the national average base salary for copywriters in the US is $69K a year. 

Add the average bonus and most copywriters – yes, people who deal in words and write for a living – are earning a cool $75K.

Here’s what may be even more shocking, especially to those just starting out in their copywriting career: 

You can walk into an entry level copywriting position starting at around $55K / yr. 

Less than a year of experience. And check this out:

No degree or diploma required.

Sure, a copywriter might have a BA English or a degree in journalism… but not necessarily. 

Which means that: 

Even if you have no experience and no post-secondary education, you could start your career as a copywriter with a $55K / yr salary. 

No. Degree. Required. 

(👆👆 That’s more than many teachers, paralegals, retail managers and even marketing generalists make. Many of whom spend years in post-secondary, racking up student debt.)

And $55K is just the beginning of the copywriter’s salary path.

Take a closer look at the stats and you’ll see:

There’s more than a handful of copywriters – both in-house and freelance – gleefully earning $80K, $90K, $100K… heck, there’s at least one copywriter that earns $3.7 million a year in annual income. 


Which means:

As a copywriter, you can earn more money than many developers, analysts, accountants and nurses. And if you really nail it, more than doctors and lawyers.

Sounds too good to be true? 

It’s fair – and even normal – to feel like a $55K / yr starting salary with barely any experience and no formal post-secondary education required is too good to be true. 

And it’s not. 

With a pinch of courage and a will to acquire a skillset that’s previously been reserved for a tiny sliver of the world’s practicing copywriters, you too can earn your way to the top in record time.

Which might bring you to wonder:

Why do businesses across the globe cash in their hard-earned profits on copy?

Smart question. Here’s why:

Sh*t copy costs money.

Strategic copy makes money.

Sure, nearly everyone can write. 

But not everyone can write copy that makes money.

So-so copywriters might be able to make copy sound good. And, yup, so-so copywriters might deliver a win once… or twice.

But the best copywriters? 

The ones who charge the big bucks? 

The most profitable copywriters use a proven, methodical and repeatable process to engineer their words for sales.

Like Brad did for his client:

“Over the course of a 5-day launch, my sales page did 1161 sales for a grand total of $228,717.”

Brad Wages


The most profitable copywriters listen to their client’s or team’s sales goals…

And then make a plan to smash those same sales goals. 

Like Jesse did:

“In the first week, we exceeded our goals by about 21% for the sales page. His goal was to do $40,000 to a 1000-person list with a $600 course. We did $47,000 in the first week.”

Jesse Gernigin


The most profitable copywriters know they can trust their strategic and repeatable process to deliver record wins again and again and again.

Like Prerna did for her clients:

“One of our clients had a $100K + launch for a $47 product. Another is seeing a 22% conversion for a membership site. PLUS I’ve been able to streamline AND deepen my conversion copywriting process too.”

Prerna Malik

Copywriter & Co-Founder of Content Bistro

And the most profitable copywriters don’t settle for measly 2.3% industry benchmarks. 

They know the benchmark, sure. 

But they also know they have the skills and courage to wallop that benchmark. 

Like Molly did for her clients:

“My most recent email campaign had a 15% clickthrough rate and 3 times the expected signups.”

Molly Mac


Perhaps you’re thinking: 

“All right, but I’m still early on in my career. I need to pay my dues. Work through the ranks. And figure out how to deliver bank-boosting results through trial and error… right?”


You do not need to pay your dues

You do not need to work through the ranks. 

You do not need to toil under trial and error.

While it’s true that many copywriters do actually spend years honing their craft, piecing together tidbits of wisdom and struggling with trial-and-error guesswork… you don’t have to be one of them. 

You don’t have to earn battle scars in battle. 

Instead, borrow ours.

As in: simply swipe winning strategies from the pros who’ve come before you. 

Like Corinna – who’s a farmer, not a copywriter – did to grow her organic veggie business:

“I am 77% sold out for next summer. I’m now assured an income through our non-farming months of January – May.”

Corinna Bench

Organic Veggie Farmer

Brad, Jesse, Prerna, Molly and Corinna

They didn’t guess. 

Because they didn’t need to.

Instead, they swiped a winning strategy. Trusted the proven conversion copywriting process. And leveraged their writing skills to deliver bank account-boosting ROI.

Sure, without tested strategies and a proven process, you might guess your way into a win once… or twice. 

… and you might guess your way to earning a decent, very respectable $55K / yr salary as a copywriter.

But I know you want more than decent. 

More than respectable. 

(Otherwise you wouldn’t still be reading this copy.)

Maybe you’re like Johnson. He knew he needed to get away from the bottom to start earning the income he wanted:

👆 Hear how copywriter Johnson Spink leveled up his copywriting career

Or maybe you’re like Dana. She was burnt to a crisp from her day job as a financial analyst and knew she needed a change:

👆 Listen to financial-analyst-turned-copywriter Dana Thao’s story

Perhaps you’re like Elle. She wanted the freedom to live life on her terms without earning less than she did as a dental hygienist:

👆 Hear how Elle Rosselli replaced her full-time salary with freelance copywriting

Or maybe you’re like Paige. Who wanted to play in the big leagues and knew she had to speak the “big league” language to step into the arena:

👆 Hear how Paige Swaffer upped her game as a strategic copy consultant

You couldn’t guess your way to your current level of success. So why would you think you could guess your way to the next level?

The answer is simple:

You can’t. 

Because guessing can only take you so far.

Being a good writer is NOT enough to become the most profitable person in the room.

Photo of Marian Schembari

“I thought being a good writer was enough to make me a great copywriter. 


Thankfully, after a few months of floundering and writing embarrassingly-bad copy, I found Joanna. Through her brilliant, and super-easy-to-follow trainings, I fully booked out my business in under a year. Then I got my dream job writing copy for my idol full-time.”

Marian Schembari


When you know how to engineer every word you write to drive meaningful, measurable, take-those-dollar-bills-to-the-bank results, you can actually establish yourself as:

When you know how to engineer every word you write to drive meaningful, measurable, take-those-dollar-bills-to-the-bank results, you can actually establish yourself as:

The rainmaker. The retention whisperer. The master of all metrics. AKA the most profitable person in the room.

And when that happens? Well, career advancement – and your earning potential – are practically limitless.

Finally own your worth as the most profitable person in the room with

“A copywriting career in a box.”

This is the most wildly comprehensive, ROI-focused copywriting training on the planet. Copy School is engineered to help ambitious copywriters earn high-fives from the CMO, CFO and CEO alike.

If you want to take your seat as the most profitable person in the room, then you’re in the right place.

The best part?

You, dear reader, are actually uniquely empowered to do well in Copy School BECAUSE you’re here, reading this page, seeking out this training. 

You already know you shouldn’t guess. 

And you know you can’t break through to that elusive yet very real and incredibly tangible next level of monetary gains without Copy School.

Here’s how Copy School can help:

Copy School is a full spectrum master’s level training, filled to the brim with techniques and tools you can use to drive results. And uplevel your career. Now. And long term.

“I learned more about how to build and write a profitable funnel in one month than many will know even given a lifetime of 'Brand X' instruction.”

“To be blunt, in a marketplace overcrowded with ‘copywriting gurus’ who might as well possess the copywriting talent of an above-average carnival barker, learning from CopyHackers is like getting a creativity transfusion from Don Draper while at the same time getting a 20 point bump to your sales IQ:  there’s just no comparison between what CopyHackers gives its students and anything else out there in the marketplace for copywriting instruction.

Seriously, I cannot speak highly enough of the quality of what CopyHackers gives you inside their online courses. They don’t just talk about every concept, technique, and strategy you need to use to get inside your customers’ heads and 10x your sales–clearly, methodically, understandably–they show you how to use them with practical examples. I learned more about how to build and write a profitable funnel in one month than many will know even given a lifetime of ‘Brand X’ instruction.”

Austin F.

Online business owner

If you’ve been looking for a one-stop-shop for every single copywriting technique, skill and insight you’ve ever needed and will ever need…

It’s your entire career neatly packaged behind a single login.

Within seconds of enrolling, you’ll get immediate access to:

These courses include the essentials like:

  • How to find high-converting messages
  • How to organize them on the page
  • How to write 100s of headlines that hook

And the career-making additions like:

  • How to think like a conversion copywriter
  • How to optimize pricing tables for revenue
  • How to plan emails that work

Which means Copy School gives you the training you need to control every critical point where leads line up and cash changes hands. So you can finally become the most profitable person in the room. And earn the income you truly deserve.

👆 Hear how Vanessa launched her writing career and doubled her income

“[Copy School] helped me create a career for myself when I was new to the field.”

Vanessa Perplies

Director of Content at Cato Networks

👆 Hear how Anna uses her process to confidently sell her skills to clients.

“Somewhere in my deeply nerdy heart, I didn’t want to wing it. I wanted a credible, proven, tested method.”

Anna Bolton


<strong>“My very first post-Copy School writing job more than covered my entire tuition.”</strong>

“My very first post-Copy School writing job more than covered my entire tuition.”Melissa Bolton Copywriter

Read More

"Since taking Copy School and putting the knowledge into practice, I've been able to exponentially explode my business in just a few months' time.

I've been a successful copywriter for about a decade and wasn't sure if Copy School was for me. I am so glad I took the leap. My newfound knowledge gave me the confidence I needed to quadruple my copywriting rates.

The price I charged for my very first post-Copy School writing job more than covered my entire tuition and my client was beyond thrilled with the work. And just this week I secured another $21,000 in copy clients and I finally had to say that I am booked through the end of the year.

The impact has made positive ripples throughout the rest of my business as well. With the knowledge I have gleaned I've been able to double the fees I charge for consulting as well, and I still have a waitlist.

I really cannot thank you enough.

My advice to anyone out there who's even considering taking this course, stop what you're doing right now and hurl your money at it. It will come back to you many times over if you work the concepts. I'm living proof.”

“Thanks to [Copy School], I’ve been able to confidently land $3,000 projects from the get-go.” Bayardo Barrios Copywriter

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"Copy School’s given me all the tools and the process necessary to write high performing copy for my clients that keeps them coming back for more. I don’t know a better program. Thanks to it, I’ve been able to confidently land $3,000 projects from the get-go. Figure that figure looks good when so many folks are charging less.”

<strong>From timid and broke to freaking amazing.</strong>

From timid and broke to freaking amazing.Aja Stuart Copywriter

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“Copy School gave me the knowledge to shift from a 'creative' copywriter to one who really knew wtf she was doing and can charge accordingly. I can explain my reasoning. I can stick up for my copy. I can let go of my copy if tests show it needs optimising. I'm brutal with my darlings. And I can say yes to jobs I'm not fully comfortable with because I can just dip back into Copy School and get the intel.
That's a lot. But I feel like there's so much more. 10xFC and Copy School basically changed my entire work life from timid and broke to freaking amazing. I can't wait to keep building (slowly but surely).”

“The sheer value inside Copy School is BREATHTAKING.” Gin Walker Copywriter

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“Copy School transformed my life. I wish that didn't sound so cliched, because it's 100% true.

The sheer value inside Copy School is BREATHTAKING – hours of super-personal tutorial videos, workshops and webinars, titan templates, interviews, insights, and hundreds (thousands?!) of killer tips, cheatsheets and checklists ...

It's like Joanna and Ry emptied their entire heads into your brain, and arranged all their years of solid gold expertise on tiny, easy-access Skillz Shelves just for you!”


With 26 courses on topics ranging from writing headlines to planning entire email flows, you can say "YES!" to anything your client asks you to write.

Perfect for lifelong career optimizers, because Copy School is so huge. There’s always something new to learn.

The fact is that copywriters get hired to write a LOT. Sometimes a CRO agency brings you in to help them with headline tests, and you find yourself in need of instant expertise on writing headlines. Other clients throw ads at you… then emails… then more ads… then a sales page… then their website. That’s why Copy School has 26 copywriting courses…

With just this course under your proverbial belt, you can start writing copy – and delivering results – like the pros.

“I truly believe that if a copywriter took no other course but [10x Landing Pages], they’d still gain the technical skills they need to be a successful copywriter.”

Eman Ismail


With Copy School in your back pocket, you can prove your worth as the most profitable person in the room the next time you…

With Copy School in your back pocket, you can prove your worth as the most profitable person in the room the next time you…

Gotta knock out a welcome sequence…

The next time the head of lead-gen slacks you with “any chance you can help me get more leads on this page???”…

The next time you get tasked with writing not one but 100 Instagram ads overnight…

The next time you have to write a website from scratch…

The next time you read “MOFU” in a brief and you’re like umm…

The next time you’re the lead on a campaign and you decide it’s time to not just beat but totally obliterate revenue targets…

The next time the analytics lead identifies that the pricing page is leaking sales and turns to you for help…

The next time the CEO gets super-stoked about a new product line and hands you 15 product detail pages to write ASAP…

The next time hot promo opportunities like Back to School, Black Friday and Cyber Monday come around, take:

Or even when…

When everyone’s talking about making money with webinars and you realize you can totally take the lead on your own webinar… because you’ve got Master of Sales Webinars (Sells for: $397).

When you realize that, as good as your copy is getting, people aren’t quite connecting with your brand… so you spend 90 minutes inside Master of Brand Voice ($197).

When you – or your client – is evergreening their course sales funnel… you hop into 10x Pricing Pages for Courses and Programs (Sells for: $797), 10x Sales Pages (Sells for: $1997) and Master of Sales Webinars (Sells for: $397) to help you optimize that revenue-generating engine for success.

Or when your pages, emails, ads and entire funnels are working so well because you’ve applied all 👆 that👆… and now you need to turn on the traffic tap. So you take Master of Guest Blogging ($97) to build your authority (and backlinks) across the web…

When you have 5 mins to optimize your pricing table…

Or when you need to load a self-segmenter email into ActiveCampaign now…

Here's what you're getting:

These are the heavy hitters and crowd pleasers. You’ll also get bonus courses like “A/B Testing for Copywriters” and “Think Like A Conversion Copywriter”

✅ 10x Emails 

✅ 10x Landing Pages

✅ 10x Sales Pages 

✅ 10x Web Copy 

✅ 10x Pricing Pages 

✅ 10x Funnels 


✅ Master of AI Copy 

✅ Master of Brand Voice 

✅ Master of About Pages 

✅ Master of Headlines 

✅ Master of Seasonal Sales 

✅ Master of Message Finding 

✅ Master of Sales Webinars 

Plus, you’ll get every new copywriting program we add. Coming up next? “10x Social Ads,” featuring all new and updated training sessions on how to navigate the ins & outs of social ads platforms like Meta, TikTok and LinkedIn.

If you add it all up, you’ll arrive at a grand total of $14,000+.

Yes, we sell these courses every day for the prices shown here. And if you buy them all individually, you’ll actually pay $8,131.

(👆👆 $8,131 is a little more than tuition for one semester of full-time enrollment in an undergraduate program in Canada. And you’ll spend much, muuuuuch more than that on university tuition in the US.)

But when you choose to join Copy School, you don’t need to make a massive investment.

Not even close…

Yes, we sell these courses every day for the prices shown here. And if you buy them all individually, you’ll actually pay $13,225.

(👆👆 $13.225 is about the cost of tuition for one semester of full-time enrollment in an undergraduate program in Canada. And you’d spend much, muuuuuch more than that on university tuition in the US. Only to end up with a certificate and no applicable copywriting skills.)

But when you choose to join Copy School, you don’t need to make a massive investment.

Not even close…

Say "yes" to Copy School today and

Level up, waaaaaay up.

Your skills. Your career. Your Life.

Why delay your career success?

Get every training program you need to help you deliver results like the best copywriters on the planet. So you can reap the financial rewards and career security that comes with being the one person in the room beloved by the CMO, CRO and CEO alike.

Cashflow-Friendly Access

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$297 / month

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  • Instant access to every course and lesson we add to Copy School

  • 100s of over-the-shoulder tutorials

  • Dozens of templates, worksheets and workbooks

  • Completion badges
Try risk-free for 7 days.

Annual Access

Get instant access now and gain extra savings.

$2997 / year

most savings

  • Instant access to every course and lesson we add to Copy School

  • 100s of over-the-shoulder tutorials

  • Dozens of templates, worksheets and workbooks

  • Completion badges
Try risk-free for 7 days.


Money-back guarantee. Secure checkout. Ongoing email support. All prices in USD.

Copyhackers training is used and trusted by…

👆 Hear how Andrew earned back his Copy School investment… plus much, muuuuuuuch more!

“Over the past 12 months I’ve sold well over $100K in copywriting services that I learned to deliver almost exclusively through Copy School.”

Andrew Yedlin


From feast-or-famine freelancing to lean, mean, revenue-generating machine.

“My blood ran cold.

It was a Tutorial Tuesday a few years ago. Around the holidays. And I said in chat something snappy about not having much work this time of year. That trained Jo’s sights on the feast-or-famine approach to project work, the hallmark of the less-than-professional newbie, and she unloaded.

Thing is, at the time feast or famine was my modus operandi. It was one of those “hey, she’s talking to me… about me,” moments. And not in a good way. However well deserved.

[One (old) 10x Freelance Copywriter course and Copy School membership later…]

Fast forward to 2022. Like, today. I’m busting hump (it is Client Wednesday, after all) to get a blog out the door for one $7k-a-month client and turn my attention to a new client. 

New client (already on the hook for a $5k whitepaper), has asked for a quote on a promo campaign that includes 6 blogs w/attendant social posts, 3 landing pages, 2 email sequences (welcome and nurture), and a ham on rye (“Bukowski!” … “Gesundheit!”).

All this with a community college rebrand project in the wings. 

About now, the old feast-or-famine Greg in Maine would be panicked. Instead, the Noom-sleek Greg-in-Maine of today is cool as a cuke — but my blood is still 98.6F/37C.

Cuz I got me a digital Fort Knox (Americanism!) to dive into and pull out everything I need.

Because, as they say in my native Massachusetts, of alla youse.


Thank you, COPYHACKER virtuosos, for the tools and training that keep me scribbling madly. Day after day. With as few carbs as possible.”

Greg Reid

Content Marketer & Copywriter

👆 Hear about how Prerna leveled up stellar results with Copy School.

“Copy School made a huge difference in the caliber of clients I attracted and the results my clients got.”

Prerna Malik

Copywriter & Co-Founder of Content Bistro

“I have no doubt that my team is stronger both in their jobs, as well as careers thanks to Joanna’s training.”

Tara Robertson

CMO of Bitly (testimonial given while at Sprout Social)

There’s no better team to help you deliver record-smashing results again and again and again.

The CEO who coined the term conversion copywriting:

Joanna Wiebe is the CEO of Copyhackers – where marketers of all stripes go when they’re ready to become the most profitable person in the room.

As the original conversion copywriter, she’s driven multi-millions in revenue writing copy for the likes of Metalab, Shopify, Huel, BT, Tesco, Buffer, Edgar and Wistia. So when Joanna teaches, people pay attention. That’s why she’s been invited to teach conversion copy on 50+ international stages including INBOUND, Mozcon, Call to Action Conference, Jeff Walker’s PLF Event, Copyblogger, Problogger and ConversionXL Live.

The creator of the
“coaching the conversion” method:

Ry Schwartz has been the not-so-secret hired gun behind dozens of 6- and 7-figure product launches and evergreen funnels.

He’s written for and/or consulted with top online businesses like Amy Porterfield, Todd Herman, London Real, Josh Shipp, Jasmine Starr and Dan Martell.

You also get training from this team of innovation-focused marketing instructors.

Sam Woods

Funnel Copy Specialist

Justin Blackman, brand ventriloquist

Justin Blackman

Brand Ventriloquist

Photo of Carolyn Beaudoin

Carolyn Beaudion

Head Copywriter at Boxcar

Betsy Muse

Founder of Rocket Fuel Strategy

Nicole Luke

Data & Analytics Specialist

Andrew Yedlin

Web Copy Specialist

Wahida Lakhani

Facebook Ad Copy Specialist

Jesse G photo

Jesse Gernigin

LinkedIn Outreach Specialist

Aaron Orendorff

Guest Blogging Specialist

Photo of Laura Lopuch

Laura Lopuch

Cold Emails Specialist

Joel Klettke

Web Copy Specialist

Erin Steele

Social Ads Specialist





Put simply:
You are learning the ins and outs of copywriting from practitioners at the top of the game.



Swipe strategies to turn occasional growth wins into a steady stream of record-smashing success.

Copy School empowers you to apply your new skills as you acquire them. Which makes Copy School quite possibly the highest-return investment you will ever make in your career.

Get Copy School as a set of traditional standalone courses. To learn module by module.

And in our quick-action roadmap format. To dive into exactly what you need, when you need it.

And see how quickly you come to love the “search” feature, which filters our 600+ lesson library - serving you exactly the lesson you need to watch right now to nail the work you need to do fast.

Slash your execution time with easy-to-apply templates & worksheets.

With Copy School, you get dozens of downloadable worksheets, templates and guides for speedy, pro-level execution, including:

The Ultimate Message Map. Like a master manual for every client. Capture customer research. Document product details. And plan out messaging angles. Use it every time you write. So you can speed up each copy project. (If you’re working with clients, you can even sell a copy of the message map as part of your project.)

Value Proposition Cheat Sheet. Craft compelling value propositions that connect with data-backed customer desires. So you can tangibly increase conversation rates across the funnel.

Best Possible Offer Worksheet. Go beyond discounts and bonuses. Create a desirable, objection-busting offer that prospects can’t help but say yes to.

10x Page Plan (for web pages). Write every core web page you can imagine with this repeatable, proven page layout. It’s based on years of writing, studying and testing web copy.

15-Point Sales Page in a Day Template. Make this massive undertaking much more doable. This detailed template walks you through every single piece of a high-converting sales page.

Anatomy of a High-Converting Landing Page. Create persuasive landing pages for your list-building free offers. This proven 7-point layout has converted up to 80% of cold audiences.

Asset-Level Solution Designs. Make this robust document your asset’s basecamp. So every second you spend writing brings you closer to the results you’re aiming for.

Facebook Ad Dos & Don’ts. Use this simple checklist to proof your Facebook ads. Reference it before hitting publish. Or troubleshoot hidden issues in underperforming campaigns.

… and dozens more downloadable worksheets, templates and guides for speedy, pro-level execution.

Constant time constraints?
They’re no match for helpful templates and the quick-to-implement process.

“My biggest struggle with writing was confidence. Was I doing it right? Was what I wrote going to make a difference? Sometimes I could feel that what I wrote was “right”…but I couldn’t defend my feelings against the doubters on the team

I’d search for answers online. The time-sucking hell of blogs and “5 steps to better…anything.” More often than not, I’d end up more lost than when I started. I read several copywriting books. But I ended up feeling overwhelmed. 

I was looking for some easy to follow steps. And a process I could implement quickly and consistently. I looked into copywriting courses – I found some that ranged from $2,000 to $5,500! Ouch. I didn’t have the budget or time for that kind of investment. Like everyone else I know in marketing I had a ton on my plate and I was under constant time pressures at work

[10x Landing Pages] sounded like a tight, easy to take, down-to-earth course with checklists and templates I could use right away. I’d never heard of “conversion” copywriting, but right away it made sense. Yes… more than anything I needed visitors and prospects to act. I wanted to learn how to do THAT. 

[10x Landing Pages] was even better than I’d hoped. The “Over the Shoulder” videos were by far my favorite. Joanna walks you through what she sees on a website (and what you should look for). Then right in front of you she shows you how to fix the copy (applying the concepts from the video lesson). Everything from customer research to sticky copy is covered in the course. There are so many helpful examples from real company websites. And there are helpful spreadsheets and templates that you can use to confidently write your own conversion copy. I have recommended this course to several of my friends.”

Sandy Pretzlaff


Used: 10x Landing Pages

Finally prove to everyone you work with that you’re the most profitable person in the room. Because you actually are.

Proudly display badges of completion on your LinkedIn profile or website to show off your upgraded skills from Copy School.

Forcefeed your brain with the best techniques from A-list conversion copywriters. So you can fast-track your way into a highly profitable career.

Forcefeed your brain with the best techniques from A-list conversion copywriters. So you can fast-track your way into a highly profitable career.

Cashflow-Friendly Access

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$297 / month

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  • Instant access to every course and lesson we add to Copy School

  • 100s of over-the-shoulder tutorials

  • Dozens of templates, worksheets and workbooks

  • Completion badges
Try risk-free for 7 days.

Annual Access

Get instant access now and gain extra savings.

$2997 / year

most savings

  • Instant access to every course and lesson we add to Copy School

  • 100s of over-the-shoulder tutorials

  • Dozens of templates, worksheets and workbooks

  • Completion badges
Try risk-free for 7 days.


Money-back guarantee. Secure checkout. Ongoing email support. All prices in USD.


“How long will it take to start seeing the results of my efforts pay off?”


The easy answer is: 

Much faster than with everyone’s not-so-favorite trial and error approach.

Our students have seen huge lifts in conversion rates, signups, sales, and more after only watching a handful of videos.

Of course, you have to show up and put in the work. But it’s totally worth it. 

Because when you build on proven processes and strategies… 

When you see the wins yourself… 

When you know you’re the most profitable person in the room… 

It gets much, much easier to charge higher rates. Take calls with dream clients. And delight existing clients so much that they’ll ask you to write all the things.  

That said, how quickly you see results will depend on certain factors – things like: how much time you devote to your training, whether you’re working full-time or part-time and whether you’re freelance or in-house.

For example, a freelance copywriter without any prior copywriting experience might take a little longer to see the results in their paycheck than an experienced freelance copywriter (because the new freelancer will also need to devote time to finding clients). 

On the other hand, an in-house copywriter working for a company with an engaged list could take a handful of lessons on sales emails, apply their learnings, fire off a few strategic emails to their list and bring in near-instant wins for their team. 

Regardless of where you are now, Copy School shows you exactly what steps to take with your copy to establish yourself as the most profitable person in the room, so you can skyrocket your earning potential – in a surprisingly short timeframe.

In Copy School, you get clear bite-sized instructions – never too short, never too long. With formulas and frameworks to make everything you learn as execution-friendly as possible.

We’ve trained copywriters at every level – like: 

  • Beginner Bayardo Barrios who used Copy School to land $3,000 projects from the get-go. And…
  • Seasoned copywriter Marian Schembari who used Copy School’s email training to help her client Teachable make $500K – easily justifying her new $500 per email rate. 

As a new copywriter, you should start with the quick and foundational 10x Landing Pages.

With just this course under your belt, you can write copy that converts. And you have a strong foundation to start building your portfolio and taking on copy projects.

From there, you can dive into training programs that interest you. Or you can dive into programs that align with the projects you’re working on. 

No matter your starting point… 

Copy School is set up to help you execute advanced copywriting and marketing strategies with the confidence of a seasoned pro. Even if you’ve never written copy before.

You’ll find countless invaluable frameworks, templates and processes that were created by us while working with a huge range of clients like Wistia, Canva, Neil Patel, Amy Porterfield, Todd Herman – and so many others. 

We didn’t try X once, see it perform decently and turn it into training. We tried X multiple times, for multiple audiences, and multiple products, and multiple offers.

Unlike other courses that share the expertise of one person, Copy School pulls together the expertise of 6+ top copywriters and marketers. 

Our team is made up of real practitioners with bookoodles of experience working with big name clients on the daily.  

When it comes to mastering modern day marketing assets with unique processes, insights and templates, Copy School is the only program we know of that will get you there.

Many (if not all) of the copy techniques you learn inside Copy School are transferable to any industry, because: 

Persuasion is about people – not about business type. 

We know because we’ve tested them while working with a huge range of clients like Wistia, Canva, Neil Patel, Amy Porterfield, Todd Herman – field-testing everything we teach multiple times, for multiple audiences, multiple products and multiple offers in multiple industries.

Just the funnel copy system taught in 10x Funnels alone has generated $24+ million in revenue across 37 industries.

With Copy School, you can easily work with companies in different industries without spending months learning the subtle differences.

You’re right. Copy School is ridiculously comprehensive. (Almost “too” comprehensive – if there’s such a thing.) 

Copy School is essentially an entire masters-level program behind a single login.

But here’s what you’ll love: 

You don’t need to finish Copy School to profit from it. Not even close.

It’s not a cumulative program that demands an unreasonable amount of time and consistency to get results. 

You can watch a single lesson in 10x Emails, for example, then go write an email with it. 

In fact, some of our biggest success stories generated their 5x, 10x, 20x wins with just a single module of one course – that is, with just a small fraction of what will be at your disposal on the other side of this page.

That said, we DO encourage our students to go through the entire program (at your own pace). Whether you’re an experienced copywriter or you’re making a shift into a copywriting career, the monetary rewards of having results-based mastery over your landing pages, web pages, emails, sales pages and funnels are just too high to pass up.

Inside Copy School you AREN’T learning from well-meaning amateurs who wrote something once (maybe twice) and then decided to teach it.

This major league training team comes with decades of professional copywriting and marketing experience.

We’ve created, tested and honed the frameworks, templates and processes we teach inside Copy School with companies like Wistia, Canva, Hubspot, WP Engine, and other Fortune 50 companies who cannot be named.

Our work has driven millions and millions and millions of dollars in revenue for the clients we partner with.

In other words, we’re professionals who are on the ground, doing the work and seeing the results every single day.

It begs the question:

Why learn from anyone else when you can train with the team that knows without a doubt how to write and drive sales?

Not here. Our goal is to give you the highest possible ROI right out of the gate – ideally within hours or days.

That means, we don’t hold your lessons hostage, dripping new modules out over weeks or months.

You get FULL access to everything in Copy School the second you wrap up your enrollment on the next page. 

No waiting. No slow-drip BS.

Right now you can load up lessons for writing: 

  • Sales emails
  • Sales pages
  • Web pages
  • About pages
  • Pricing pages
  • 4 complete funnels
  • Nurturing and onboarding emails
  • Seasonal sales promos with emails, ads and SMS
  • Homepages

Not to mention training including:

  • Sales webinars
  • Brand voice
  • Headline mastery
  • Thank you pages

As long as you’re committed to turning your words into revenue, we’re committed to pulling out all the stops to get you there.

Highly doubtful. 

Most blogs teach the “101” stuff from people who guessed, got lucky and decided to write a blog post about their one experience, as if it will apply universally.

The material inside Copy School literally can’t be found anywhere else. 

Why? Well… we created it. 

You’ll find countless invaluable frameworks, templates and processes that were created by us while working with a huge range of clients like Wistia, Canva, Neil Patel, Amy Porterfield, Todd Herman – and so many others. 

And we’re not holding back either. You’re getting direct, unfiltered access to the exact stuff we’re using right NOW to create game-changing uplifts and launch results for these top businesses.

Not a reverse-engineering of some direct mail piece that “pulled like gangbusters” when attention spans were 19 minutes long and radio ads were all the rage.

When it comes to mastering the modern-day marketing assets with unique processes, insights and templates, Copy School is the only program we know of that will get you there.

With over 3000 happy students who are seeing results, we know you’re going to love Copy School. But, for whatever reason, if you don’t feel like you’re any closer to skyrocketing your earning potential with winning copy, simply send an email to within 7 days of joining and we’ll refund every dollar of your initial payment.

You can check out securely online using your favorite credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay or Paypal. 

Sure! The most insanely comprehensive, ROI-focused copywriting training on the planet comes with instant access to:

Actionable copywriting training, including all our 10x programs:

  • 10x Web Copy ($1997)
  • 10x Sales Pages ( $1997)
  • 10x Emails ($997)
  • 10x Landing Pages ($997)
  • 10x Funnels ($997)
  • 10x Pricing Pages for SaaS and Apps ($797)
  • 10x Pricing Pages for Courses and Programs ($797)

As well as: 

  • Master of Sales Webinars ($397)
  • Master of Seasonal Sales: Emails ($297)
  • Master of Seasonal Sales: SMS ($197)
  • Master of Seasonal Sales: Facebook Ads ($197)
  • Master of Brand Voice ($197)
  • Master of Headlines ($297)
  • Master of Web Copy Validation ($197)
  • EXCLUSIVE! Master of Thank You Pages (Value: $197)
  • EXCLUSIVE! Master of Delivery Emails (Value: $197)
  • Master of Closing Techniques ($197)
  • Master of Message Finding ($197)
  • Master of About Pages ($197)
  • Master of AI Copy ($497)


  • Think Like a Conversion Copywriter (Value: $97)
  • A/B Testing for Copywriters (Value: $197)

You also get:

  • Instant access to every new program we add to Copy School – at no extra cost (2 new courses coming in 2024)
  • 100s of over-the-shoulder tutorials
  • Dozens of proven templates, worksheets & checklists
  • 7+ top copywriting & marketing instructors in your back pocket

… and a full 7 days to test drive it all risk-free.

How much is Copy School worth?


$14,225 to be exact.

But the more important question is:

“How much can Copy School make me?”

You decide.

Because when you can write copy that converts, my friend, your profit potential is limitless.

“I honestly feel that [Copy School] is the next logical step for me. I didn’t want to wait another year if I could gain the skills I’ve been chasing right now.”

-Stephanie Leith

Great point, Stephanie. Why wait another minute when you can…

Forcefeed your brain with the best techniques from A-list conversion copywriters. So you can fast-track your way into a highly profitable career.

Forcefeed your brain with the best techniques from A-list conversion copywriters. So you can fast-track your way into a highly profitable career.

Cashflow-Friendly Access

Go month-to-month

$297 / month

cancel anytime

  • Instant access to every course and lesson we add to Copy School

  • 100s of over-the-shoulder tutorials

  • Dozens of templates, worksheets and workbooks

  • Completion badges
Try risk-free for 7 days.

Annual Access

Get instant access now and gain extra savings.

$2997 / year

most savings

  • Instant access to every course and lesson we add to Copy School

  • 100s of over-the-shoulder tutorials

  • Dozens of templates, worksheets and workbooks

  • Completion badges
Try risk-free for 7 days.


Money-back guarantee. Secure checkout. Ongoing email support. All prices in USD.

DISCLAIMER: For best results, think of this training as you would think of university-level training: undertake it seriously and studiously, and you may see incredible results – but none are promised or guaranteed. We’ve made every effort to represent accurately the products we offer and their potential. However, we and our materials make no guarantee of results, nor should you misinterpret the “10x” part of our products’ names to suggest you will grow your business by an amount such as ten times; in reality, “10x” represents the quantity of emails, landing pages etc. you will be educated to complete with success after taking our training, and the additional quantity may help you achieve strong results similar to those we’ve achieved using the same techniques. Where a testimonial suggests or states results of any kind, you should not expect the same results unless your business, efforts and resources are exactly as the testimonial-giver. We avoid forward-looking statements, but should you find one, it is intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Purchasing or subscribing to Copy School does not offer you or any entity the rights to reproduction, distribution or resale of any part of the program, of any kind.

Refunds available within the first seven (7) days of purchase. 

Live copy programs, such as Intensives or Copy School Professional, that may live under the Copy School umbrella are not part of this offer. 

Published by Wiebe Marketing Ltd dba Copyhackers
10158 103 St NW Unit 200, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 0X6
© Copyright 2024 Wiebe Marketing Ltd

Sam Woods has created 100s of funnels for cold, hot and in-between audiences in over 37 industries. These funnels have generated 24+ million dollars in revenue. 

His funnel creation system marries timeless principles from direct response copywriting, customer-focused research techniques and digital optimization principles to create and optimize online growth funnels that predictably generate leads and sales. That’s why businesses from HubSpot to Agora hire him!

Justin Blackman, brand ventriloquist

Justin Blackman is a copywriter who goes overboard. In 2017, he wrote 10,211 headlines for 100 brands over 100 days, just for fun. Since 2018, he’s written for more than 429 entrepreneurs and dozens of brands, using an ultra-specific voice mirroring process called Brand Ventriloquism®.

He currently runs two writing programs: The Codex Persona, which trains writers how to measure and emulate a client’s voice. And Write More Personality-er, a quick & quirky workshop that teaches people how to add punch, power, and pop to their everyday writing. All the people say he’s pretty fly for a write guy.

Photo of Carolyn Beaudoin

Carolyn Beaudoin is the CRO Lead at Copyhackers where she’s helped LaunchDarkly double their leads and regularly develops strategy and copy for leading ecommerce brands like Nectar, DreamCloud and Awara. 

Before Carolyn joined the Copyhackers crew, she worked primarily with service-based businesses and online course creators. Results include dropping bounce rates by up to 63%, lifting average time on page durations by up to 111% and lifting conversions by up to 72%.

Wahida Lakhani has earned multi-millions in revenue for clients, managing over $1 million in ad spend across some of the most competitive and difficult verticals globally. 

She’s also a conversion copywriting consultant hired by some of the best-known digital marketers, plus dozens of coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs. Her Facebook Ads copy system was developed through years of unrelenting, hands-on testing to deliver high returns – consistently and with very little room for error. 

Nicole Luke is the Chief Data Whisperer at Novac Solutions Ltd – the go-to place for businesses looking to make strategic, evidence-based decisions with their data and analytics. 

She’s got 20+ years running the numbers at fast-growth tech companies like Intuit and Jobber. CMOs trust her insightful and actionable recommendations because they’re based on reliable data analysis. 

Andrew Yedlin has written conversion-focused websites and landing pages that have helped his clients grow their sales pipelines by millions of dollars. 

Notably, his work drove over half-a-million dollars in customer lifetime value in a single quarter for a Series C SaaS company. 

He brings his experience working with fast-growing SaaS companies including Culture Amp, CallRail and Netsparker to hundreds of subscribers at, an email newsletter and YouTube show that features copywriting tips and live examples. 

Jesse Gernigin is a serial entrepreneur and entertainer turned conversion marketer who is sought out by entrepreneur-led brands and Fortune 500 companies looking to accelerate their growth.

He specializes in creating marketing so good the competition swears it’s mind control!

When he isn’t growing sales and helping companies establish footholds in new markets he travels the world with his wife and son, writing novels and finding new friends in unexpected places.

Aaron Orendorff is the VP of Marketing at Common Thread Collective. Previously the Editor in Chief of Shopify Plus, his content has appeared on Forbes, Mashable, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, The New York Times, and more. Connect with Aaron on Twitter or LinkedIn (especially if you want to talk about ecommerce trends, #LetsGetRejected, or bunnies).

Photo of Laura Lopuch

Laura is a cold email and pitch expert who helps copywriters, consultants, and entrepreneurs make more sales naturally with emails.

Four months after launching her business she grew it by 1400% using only cold emails. Then one of her cold emails brought in a $20,000 client. She has since helped her students get their next big $10k or $25k with cold emails, using her powerful “The Relevancy Method”.

Joel Klettke is the Founder of Case Study Buddy, the case study specialists behind 500+ studies for B2B brands ranging from scrappy startups to multi-billion-dollar Fortune 50 juggernauts. 

He’s also a sought-after conversion copywriter. He’s helped brands like HubSpot, Scott’s Cheap Flights, and WP Engine drive millions in additional revenue. Interestingly, he once helped a UK-based company add over $165K to their annual revenue with two recommendations (and zero written words).