BONUS! Get copy training with your freelancing training

What's really coming between you and a $10K month? This free masterclass walks you through what you need to fix ASAP...

People sign off on $20,000+ copy retainers every day. They approve $50,000+ copy projects. They pay $10,000+ just for homepage copy they can test. So why on earth is it so hard for you to make $10K a month? Watch this training to see. And start making changes!


“Six weeks ago I spent a whole week on a $60 blog post. And that was it. I signed up for 10xFC, then Copy School shortly after. I did two roadmaps, and… I closed $12,000 last week using the things I learned!!"


“I had my first $20K month – it feels surreal but it wasn’t a fluke. I consistently applied what I’ve learned..."

Jesse G photo


"I booked my first $20K month this month and it’s in part due to me following the systems you laid out. Also… I turned down an offer for a $110K a year copywriting position from a huge name because I believe following your system will produce better returns for me doing less work.”


"10XFC has honestly changed my career. 11 months later and I’m working with dream clients, I’ve pretty much doubled last year’s income, and I’m aiming for £100K next year. Best of all, that doesn’t even feel like an unrealistic goal. This has had such an impact on me and my son.”