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Simplifying User Journey vs User Flow for Newbies


  • A user journey is the full story of a user’s experience with a product/service, from first interaction to advocacy.
  • A user flow is a detailed map of specific actions users take within a digital interface to achieve a goal.
  • The difference between user flow and journey: Journeys encompass broad experiences and emotions. Flows focus on detailed digital steps.
  • Use journeys for conceptualizing. Use flows for design and functionality phases.
  • Blend your understanding of both for optimal user experience and product success.

Unraveling the mystery: What’s the difference between a User Journey and a User Flow?

Understanding user flow vs user journey is critical.

Think of a user journey as a story. It maps out a user’s entire experience with your software, from the moment they first hear about it to becoming loyal fans, spotlighting their feelings and the steps they take along the way.

On the other hand, a user flow is like a detailed recipe. It lays out every single click and action a user would take on your software platform to achieve something specific, like signing up or setting a feature.

So, while the user journey is the broad story of their experience, the user flow is the step-by-step guide to their actions on your platform.

In the realm of user experience, “User Journey” and “User Flow” are two vital concepts, each outlining different facets of user interactions that directly impact your conversion rates.

The Nielsen Norman Group created an illustration that shows the difference between user journey and user flow.

Grasping the distinct characteristics of each can pivot your conversion strategies from tentative efforts to confident wins.

What is a User Journey?

Imagine you’re planning a cross-country road trip.

You’ve got your map laid out, charting every pit stop, detour and scenic overlook. That map? It’s not just about the destinations; it’s about the experiences, feelings, and memories each stop invokes.

This is the role of “user journey maps.” User journey maps offer a comprehensive view of a customer’s interactions, reactions and engagements at different touchpoints throughout the entire user journey.

What’s the purpose of a user journey?

Think of a user journey as the story of a user’s experience with your product, from the first ‘hello’ to the eventual ‘see you later.’

And it’s not just a linear path. It’s a narrative filled with ups, downs and roundabouts. Like any good story, it has its touchpoints (those crucial plot twists), stages (think acts in a play), and a rollercoaster of emotions.

When should you use a user journey?

Whenever you’re looking to capture the holistic experience of your users, look at more than just when they click ‘buy now’ or sign up. What brought real users there? What might’ve almost turned them away? And how did they feel throughout the journey?

Components of a user journey

At its core, a user journey encompasses touchpoints (interactions with your brand), stages (different phases of the user’s experience), and the emotional arc they travel through. It’s more than just a path. It’s a story with unique moments of tension, climax and resolution.

Importance of the user journey

Grasping the intricacies of the user journey is business-critical. By understanding this journey, businesses can tailor experiences, predict pain points and create moments of delight. A customer journey map is your map to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Example of a user journey

Let’s say Sarah wants to buy a new pair of hiking boots. Her journey starts with an Instagram ad, leads to reading blog reviews, has moments of doubt when she sees the price, elation when she finds a discount code, and ends with her proudly posting her new boots on her own Instagram. Every stage, every touchpoint, every emotion – that’s the essence of a user journey.

What is a User Flow?

Remember those “Choose Your Own Adventure” books? Where at each chapter’s end, you decide the protagonist’s fate?

User Flow is kind of the digital counterpart. It’s the sequence of steps your user takes, branching out based on decisions, leading to a specific outcome.

What’s the purpose of a user flow?

A User Flow isn’t just a fancy diagram with arrows and boxes (though, trust me, those can be quite therapeutic to create). It’s the backbone of any digital experience. It outlines the logical path a user might take, showcasing every possible decision, step and action. In short, it’s the recipe for your user’s interaction with your platform, dish by delicious dish.

When should you use a user flow?

Drafting a new website? Designing an app? Basically, anytime you’re mapping out how a user interacts with your digital property, a user flow should be your go-to. It ensures you’re not just designing for design’s sake but creating a seamless, intuitive experience.

Components of a user flow

At its heart, user flow is built on steps (user’s actions), decisions (choices they make) and the subsequent actions that unfold. It’s the script of the digital play, guiding users from Act 1 to the final curtain call.

Importance of the user flow

Nailing your user flow is akin to choreographing a dance. Get it right, and you have a harmonious ballet of user interactions.

But a misstep? It can disrupt the whole performance. Hence, mapping user flows ensures design meets functionality, offering a smooth and delightful user experience.

Example of a user flow

Consider John, who wants to purchase a new ebook. He logs into the app, browses genres, selects ‘Mystery,’ reads a book synopsis, adds it to his cart, decides to continue shopping, adds another book, reviews his cart, and finally checks out. Each decision John makes branches out, and that, my friend, is a user flow in action.

Key differences between User Journey and
User Flow

Picture this: one’s a sweeping epic like “The Lord of the Rings,” diving into the heart and soul of its characters, and the other? It’s the intricate screenplay detailing every scene, dialogue and action.

Yep, that’s User Journey and User Flow for you. But let’s not just stop at metaphors.

AspectUser JourneyUser Flow
FocusEmotional experienceSpecific steps
Key ComponentsTouchpoints, Stages, EmotionsSteps, Decisions, Actions
UsageUnderstand the holistic user experienceDesigning & refining interface interactions
Primary ObjectiveCustomer’s lifecycle and satisfactionSeamless interface navigation

Now, for those of you craving a bit more detail, let’s pull out our digital magnifying glasses and take a closer look.

A deeper look at UX basics

User journeys

Imagine being a fly on the wall, observing a customer as they interact with your brand. You’ll see moments of elation, perhaps a touch of confusion, or even sheer delight.

User Journeys capture this essence, painting a broader picture of emotional touchpoints and stages in a customer’s lifecycle.

It’s about understanding their experiences from the very first encounter long past the final purchase.

User flows

On the flip side, if User Journeys are the movie’s story, User Flows are the scene-by-scene breakdown.

They’re all about detail. Where does the user click? What decision points are they faced with?

It’s the roadmap of how users navigate through an interface, ensuring every click and interaction is intuitive and meaningful.

Use visuals

Words are powerful, but sometimes, a visual just says it better.

That’s why user flow diagrams (also called user flow charts) and user journey maps are indispensable tools.

They articulate complex processes and emotions in an easily digestible and interactive format, helping to foster a deeper understanding and facilitating effective optimizations in the user experience strategy.

How to create effective user journeys

Crafting a user journey isn’t just about scribbling down a few touchpoints on a whiteboard. No, it’s more like writing a novel where every chapter – nay, every paragraph – must be intricately woven to narrate the tale of your user’s experience.

Steps to design a user journey:

  1. Empathize: Dive into your users’ shoes. What are they feeling? What’s their motivation?
  2. Research: Conduct surveys, interviews and collect real feedback.
  3. Chart the touchpoints: Identify where they interact with your product.
  4. Outline the stages: From awareness to advocacy, what are the major phases of their journey?
  5. Map emotions: How do they feel at each stage? Thrilled? Overwhelmed? Relieved?

Best practices for a spellbinding user journey:

  • Stick to the data: Don’t assume. Base your journey on real data and user insights.
  • Iterate: User journeys aren’t set in stone. Revisit, refine and polish as you gather more insights.
  • Collaborate: Two heads (or more) are better than one. Work alongside UX designers, customer support and sales to get a comprehensive view.

In essence, a user journey is your user’s story. And as any good author knows, the magic is in the details. 

How to design efficient user flows

Sketching out a user flow is a lot like choreographing a dance. Every step, every twirl and every pause has to be meticulously planned to ensure the dancer doesn’t miss a beat. For the digital realm, this dance is all about the user and the interface. 

Design process for a user flow:

  1. Identify the Goal: What’s the primary action? Buying a product? Signing up?
  2. Break Down the Tasks: List out each action the user needs to take to reach that goal.
  3. Chart the Decisions: Where might a user choose to diverge or take a different path?
  4. Visualize with Diagrams: Draw it out. Whether on paper or digital tools, visualize each step and decision point.
  5. Test and Refine: Run it by a fresh pair of eyes. Are there bottlenecks? Confusing elements?

Best practices for seamless user flows:

  • Use Tools: Platforms like Sketch, Figma or Flowmapp can elevate your user flow designs.
  • Stay Iterative: Always be ready to refine. Monitor, learn, tweak.
  • Collaborate with Users: Conduct usability tests. Their feedback is your guiding star.

Remember, a well-designed user flow is a dance where the user effortlessly glides from start to finish.

However, maintaining flexibility is key. Being prepared to adapt and change steps according to user feedback and behavior can lead to a smoother, more intuitive and ultimately successful user experience.

When to focus on User Journeys and when to focus on User Flows

Imagine being in a bustling kitchen. There’s a time for marinating the chicken, and there’s a time for finely chopping those veggies. Similarly, there’s a moment for user journeys and one for user flows.

During the early stages of product conceptualization, when you’re setting the stage and figuring out the grand narrative, that’s your User Journey moment. It’s about capturing the emotion, understanding motivations and setting the broader vision.

Side note: You might be curious about the choice of terminology here – why it’s often termed as a ‘user journey’ instead of a ‘funnel.’ This isn’t just a matter of semantics but hints at the depth and complexity of understanding user behavior.

To delve deeper into this nuanced discussion, don’t miss Anna Sarayna’s detailed analysis in the article “What it says about you when you call it ‘user journey’ instead of ‘funnel.’”

Now, having grasped the essence of user journeys, let’s sauté into the nitty-gritty, transitioning into the design phase, where the User Flow starts to sizzle. This phase is where you start to refine those specifics, fleshing out each step to provide a seamless and intuitive experience.

To serve up a delightful user experience, knowing when to marinate in the journey and when to chop up the flow is the recipe for success!

Ensuring top-notch user experience means blending user journeys with user flows

As any savvy marketer knows, the experience is just one part of the puzzle. The copy that guides, persuades, and informs – that’s another crucial piece.

Taking a step further, it’s this very copy that holds the potential to catapult your conversions, steering users seamlessly from interest to action. Now, if steering conversions through masterful copy strikes a chord with you, it’s time you elevate your craft.

Dive into Copy School by Copyhackers, where you’ll fine-tune your aptitude to craft copy that not only engages but significantly boosts conversions.

With the resources and insights available, you’re not just writing; you’re strategizing, optimizing and poised to spearhead a surge in successful customer conversions.

Jessica Noel

Jessica Noel writes about copywriting, conversion, sales, persuasion and usability for Copyhackers. She serves clients and writes more about similar topics - with interesting takes - at Write & Main

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Jessica Noel

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