Helping Great Businesses Build Audiences

Your job is to build a great product. Our job is to help you connect that product to your audience… using li’l ol’ words. Okay, and segmentation and personalization. And analytics. And, well, everything in the digital marketer’s toolkit. But mostly: words.

Founded by Joanna Wiebe in 2011

I fell into copywriting. Just totally tumbled in, head over feet. I didn’t like the word “copywriter” when I first started – so I went by “creative writer”. Big mistake. That must’ve set me back a good 3 years. Now I know that COPY is awesome, and copywriters are the best-kept secret in the sales and marketing world.

These fine folks make up the crew

Joanna Wiebe Joanna Wiebe Founder and Instructor
Paul Wiebe Paul Wiebe VP of Customer
Sarah Wiebe Sarah Wiebe Operations Manager

Trusted 'round the world

Brian Dean
Because it’s so critical, I cannot impress this upon you enough: learn to write emails from Joanna. Do what she says. You’ll 10x your confidence. And as for business results? The sky’s the limit.
Brian Dean Founder, Backlinko
Prerna Malik
48% open rate. $17,991 in revenue. Yes. That's what using just TWO of the email "themeplates" in 10X Launches did for me for one of my productized service launches. And here's the best part... I know exactly why I put a word on a page and can explain that to my clients so not only do they love the copy they know why it's converting too! It's no secret... Copy School has been THE best investment I've made in my business, both as an online marketer AND a copywriter.
Prerna Malik Agency Founder

Get in touch with the Copyhackers crew

Wiebe Marketing Ltd
dba Copyhackers

200, 10158 103 St NW
Edmonton, AB
T5J 0X6

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