Freelancing tutorials, by Copyhackers

Watch free tutorials on how to turn more leads into happy, referring clients

Freelancing tutorial: How to decide if you should niche or specialize

Freelancing tutorial: How to optimize your proposal process

Freelancing tutorial: Should your proposals be more emotional?

Freelancing tutorial: What if you could get paid to write your proposal?

Freelancing tutorial: How to get your proposal accepted

Freelancing tutorial: How to confidently pitch your services

Grow your freelance copywriting or content business with The 10x Freelance Copywriter.

Watch free tutorials on creating and promoting content that builds YOUR AUTHORITY

Freelancing tutorial: How to craft blog posts big publishers are looking for

Freelancing tutorial: What should you even be blogging about??

Freelancing tutorial: How to research a blog post that builds your authority (and attracts hungry leads)

Freelancing tutorial: Win a ton of clients with just one blog post

These freelancing tutorials teach you how to make more money as a freelancer

Freelancing tutorial: How to create and sell product packages

Freelancing tutorial: How to raise your rates

Join 100s of ambitious freelancers like you inside 10x Freelance Copywriter.

More great tutorials for freelancers who are just starting out or itching to get ahead

Freelancing tutorial: How to look pro on Zoom

Freelancing tutorial: When your client tells you your copy isn't working...

Freelancing tutorial: What to ask your leads and clients for

Freelancing tutorial: How to find your client's brand voice

Freelancing tutorial: How to prevent copy reviews from going off the rails

Freelancing tutorial: Change how you think about money

Freelancing tutorial: Is it time to hire a virtual assistant?

Freelancing tutorial: How to build lasting relationships with leads and clients

Freelancing tutorial: Develop and sell your messaging recommendations report

Freelancing tutorial: How to use quizzes to grow your list

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