Joanna's six-figure advice for you: The one thing you can’t do

“If you’re going to make money out in the world, you have to show that copywriters are valuable.”
You can make six figures – and then some – as a freelance copywriter. The Six-Figure Freelance Copywriter book is filled with stories of freelancers who have continued to grow their six-figure revenue year after year.
But here’s the one thing you can’t do as a six-figure earner that you may have gotten away with before the $100K mark… you can’t be a wallflower.
You also can’t ride someone else’s coattails. And you can’t depend on someone else to send referrals your way. That’s your job. Being a six-figure freelance copywriter requires you to take full responsibility for your own success. Even if it feels uncomfortable.
But if you’re ready to step up and put in the work, the sky’s the limit. And when you need some inspiration, motivation or just a good kick in the pants… come back to the stories in this book.
Consider them your on-hand reminder of the doors that can open for you once you get serious about building your authority and growing your business.