Lianna's six-figure advice for you: Accepting yourself is the faster path

“There’s still so much toxic, hustle bullshit out there. It took me a really long time to say, actually, building a productized service business that allows me to have a better sense of when I can just f**king go kayaking is fine and valid.”
If I had to condense Lianna’s fifteen years of advice and experience into one snappy sentence, it would be this:
Accept what makes you unique as a freelance copywriter.
Don’t wait for permission to lean into your unique qualities. Embrace them. Then leverage them to become THE copywriter in a niche of your creation.
You will struggle to bring in exceptional money as a freelancer if you condemn yourself to mimic someone else’s business. It’s by recognizing what works for you – and what makes you unique – that you will put yourself in a position where you’re excited to do the work. And by “work,” I mean talking about what you do in spaces where potential clients are listening.