
Carolyn Beaudoin

Carolyn is the cofounder and Head of Strategy at Boxcar Agency, where she helps growth-focused businesses turn email automations into reliable revenue generators. She's also the former CRO Lead and Sr. Conversion Copywriter at Copyhackers / CH Agency.


2 Results Found

Speaking the Language of Coronavirus: An analysis of the words and phrases that spread viral content

Can we – as marketers and copywriters – reverse-engineer this mass viral content outbreak to better understand how information spreads?

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  • 328 Publishers linked

How to spot bad headlines before they make your visitors bounce – an intro to easy copy validation

Copy validation happens with simple tools like Five Second Tests on Usability Hub. See how copywriters and CROs validate copy before publshing a new page or running a split test.

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  • 328 Publishers linked

Copywriting Articles

Best copywriting niches for new freelancers Read more
3 value proposition formulas to differentiate your brand Read more
What is direct response copywriting? Lessons we still use today. Read more
The top 5 Conversion XL articles to improve your copywriting Read more
Snackable content: What it is and how to make it (with examples) Read more
Running a headline test? Use these tools to perfect your headline Read more

Growth Marketing

How to prepare for Black Friday & Cyber Monday. Hint: Focus on lead gen. Read more
7 ways to grow your email list (if you’re a new coach) Read more
8 lead generation ideas you can use to grow your email list Read more
5 key elements of high converting landing pages (with examples) Read more
Tool roundup: Best email marketing software for small businesses Read more
Take the guesswork out of book cover design with user testing (a Copyhackers case study) Read more


Best copywriting niches for new freelancers Read more
The 7 best ways to make money online in 2023 without a degree Read more
Copywriting jobs: How to find them if you’re a new freelancer Read more
Website copywriting 101: A guide to writing for the web Read more
Analytics questions all copywriters should ask their clients Read more
How to become a copywriter this year (without any experience) Read more

Quick Tips

Best copywriting niches for new freelancers Read more
3 value proposition formulas to differentiate your brand Read more
What is direct response copywriting? Lessons we still use today. Read more
Snackable content: What it is and how to make it (with examples) Read more
Running a headline test? Use these tools to perfect your headline Read more
How to prepare for Black Friday & Cyber Monday. Hint: Focus on lead gen. Read more

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