
Lance Jones



16 Results Found

How We Repeatedly Launch 6-Figure Courses With Just 2 People

How to Set-Up For a 6-Figure Course Launch Collect leads for the next course launch Choose a platform to host your course content Create a sales page Choose an email marketing platform Choose a live chat tool Choose a checkout platform We just wrapped up sales for 10x Emails Mastery, a digital self-paced course on writing […]

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3rd Annual Freelance Copywriter Salary Survey (Updated 2017)

If you’re wondering how much you should be charging or where you stand relative to what other copywriters make, check out this data. It features the results of our copywriter salary survey and includes freelance copywriter income levels. Big takeaway: you can be broke or rich as a freelancer – if you want to earn a middle-class living, in-house may be the better choice.

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If You Charge 10x More Than Your Competition, Should Your Copy Be 10x As Compelling?

Most startups pay less than $3995/mo to lease office space. But new B2B SaaS solutions targeted at online marketers are able to charge 10x more than their competitors – up to and including $3995/mo for the starter plan! Curious about this dramatic upswing in pricing, Lance takes a look at 3 competitors in an increasingly pricey space… assesses their copy… and gives his POV on whether the copy effectively sells high-priced software or not. Want to charge 10x more? Read this.

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Get A “Peek” Into Your Site’s Usability: A Review

You can uncover hugely valuable data about your site experience and UX thanks to usability testing. The creators of our much-beloved have now launched Peek, a faster usability testing service. We tried it. Would we recommend it?

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Get to know our Amazing Authors

Joanna Wiebe
Joanna Wiebe
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Lance Jones
Lance Jones
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Amy Middleton
Amy Middleton
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Have You Fallen For This Scuzzy Design Trend In Pop-ups?

No matter where you stand on the debate, it’s clear to us that when done well, pop-ups can drive conversions without pissing people off. But as usual, the devil’s in the details. Take a look at the scuzziest pop-up boxes we’ve seen – and weigh in on the good and bad sides of interruptive marketing.

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Are You Giving Your Videos A Chance To Perform?

LAST UPDATED MAY 11, 2020 You’ve probably heard enough from us about why you should always be testing your copy, images, page layouts, and site functionality. “Yes, Joanna & Lance, we get it. We should always be testing. What else do you have for us today?” Actually – despite your skepticism 🙂 – we have […]

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Testing Ain’t ALL That

Who would dare to blaspheme what is arguably the ultimate technique for optimizing one’s website copy? Surely Joanna wouldn’t let a statement like “testing ain’t all that” simply slip through in a guest blog post… And it couldn’t come from someone who earns a living helping clients run a successful testing program… could it? It […]

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The Great Copy Debate: Clear Vs. Clever

After nearly 2 months of prep and execution time, Joanna and I just wrapped-up the final A/B test for our brand new ebook, The Copyhackers Great Value Proposition Test, where we ran headline-only tests on a wide range of websites – 11 in total. And what a fun, worthwhile experiment it was! The adventurous souls […]

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SEO Agency Case Study: Why Should Prospects Choose You?

In this post, Joanna and I want to know what YOU think about 5 SEO agency sites – by giving you a chance to rate how strongly they make a case over their competition… Part of outperforming your competition involves telling your site visitors exactly why they should choose you over any other available options. […]

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Your Most Overlooked Home Page Opportunity

NOTE: This post is grounded in what you’ve shared with us in the persistent poll on Based on 273 responses to our question about the types of copy that challenge you most, 61% of you told us that THIS topic is top of mind for you. (Oh, and in case there’s any confusion about […]

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Home Page Split Test Reveals Major Shortcoming Of Popular Testing Tools

Running split tests is addictive. You develop a theory about something that’s not working as hard as it could be on your website, and that becomes your new test idea. You develop the creative – a copy improvement, a usability fix, or perhaps a product repositioning – and then you launch your experiment. The excitement […]

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Stripe Kicks The Crap Out Of Competing Solutions, But It’s Not Just For Developers

Stripe Review from a Non-Developer Responsive customer support Easy to implement Stripe is for non-technical biz owners too This is the abridged story of a business owner who went from not accepting credit cards, to Stripe, to a traditional merchant services provider, and back to Stripe again… Stripe is missing the boat on its home […]

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If You Want Amazing Results, Stop Asking “What Should We Test?”

I hear this question being asked all the time — even from seasoned marketers who know how to run an A/B testing program. I see people blogging about what to test, which can be helpful, but it overlooks the most important aspect of testing: learning about the test subject (your visitor, prospect, or customer!). Your […]

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Why You Rarely See That Amazing Conversion Lift Your Testing Tool Promised

That is the look of disappointment. Disappointment at what your testing tool is reporting — versus what you’re actually seeing in your business metrics. Neil Patel wrote a useful post yesterday on lessons he’d learned after dropping $252K on Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). It’s a very worthwhile read (whether you have that kind of coin […]

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RADically Rethink Your CTAs

After your headline, your call to action (CTA) is the most important element on your website. How many times have you heard or read the current ‘best practice’ around CTAs… that states one should always place CTAs above the fold? It’s a nice, easy-to-grasp rule of thumb that appeals to one’s common sense, right? Well, […]

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Why Your Competitor’s A/B Testing Program Is Doomed

Of course I’m not suggesting for a moment that your own testing efforts aren’t doomed as well, but you’re here now, so there is hope. 🙂 I make my living advising Fortune 500 companies on what to test on their Web sites and how to get the best results from their A/B and multivariate tests. […]

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Copywriting Articles

Best copywriting niches for new freelancers Read more
3 value proposition formulas to differentiate your brand Read more
What is direct response copywriting? Lessons we still use today. Read more
The top 5 Conversion XL articles to improve your copywriting Read more
Snackable content: What it is and how to make it (with examples) Read more
Running a headline test? Use these tools to perfect your headline Read more

Growth Marketing

How to prepare for Black Friday & Cyber Monday. Hint: Focus on lead gen. Read more
7 ways to grow your email list (if you’re a new coach) Read more
8 lead generation ideas you can use to grow your email list Read more
5 key elements of high converting landing pages (with examples) Read more
Tool roundup: Best email marketing software for small businesses Read more
Take the guesswork out of book cover design with user testing (a Copyhackers case study) Read more


Best copywriting niches for new freelancers Read more
The 7 best ways to make money online in 2023 without a degree Read more
Copywriting jobs: How to find them if you’re a new freelancer Read more
Website copywriting 101: A guide to writing for the web Read more
Analytics questions all copywriters should ask their clients Read more
How to become a copywriter this year (without any experience) Read more

Quick Tips

Best copywriting niches for new freelancers Read more
3 value proposition formulas to differentiate your brand Read more
What is direct response copywriting? Lessons we still use today. Read more
Snackable content: What it is and how to make it (with examples) Read more
Running a headline test? Use these tools to perfect your headline Read more
How to prepare for Black Friday & Cyber Monday. Hint: Focus on lead gen. Read more

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