
Joanna Wiebe

The original conversion copywriter, Joanna Wiebe is the founder of Copyhackers.


106 Results Found

Social Proof: 5 new studies that prove its continued persuasive power

Because social proof has become such a mainstay in marketing, it’s easy for marketers to grow numb to it. You forget that social proof is one of Cialdini’s most persuasive principles. So here are 5 new studies to remind you about the persuasive power of social proof.

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How to grow your list (with good leads)

For startups and small businesses that self-fund / bootstrap everything. Not for big-budget businesses. ❌ Do not give away an ebook. ❌ Do not spend money on subscribers from Meta or LinkedIn. ✅ Borrow other people’s lists. ✅ Use a smart lead-gen tool / pop-up on your site. Circa Feb 2018, Copyhackers did a webinar […]

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29 Quotes That Perfectly Explain What Copywriting Means

Copy is the words businesses and people use to sell something. And copywriting is salesmanship in print. Get the skinny on what copywriting means here.

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Breakthrough-or-bust emails

Think best practices are always best? In this post, see how challenging best practices in email copywriting got us big conversion lifts for Doodle and Prezi.

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Get to know our Amazing Authors

Joanna Wiebe
Joanna Wiebe
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Lance Jones
Lance Jones
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Amy Middleton
Amy Middleton
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Is $5000 a lot to charge for a sales page? We asked 14 marketers who hire freelancers. What they revealed could help you land your next project.

A long-form sales page can help businesses generate insane revenue. But only if the sales page is written well. How do you know if the copywriter you’re thinking of hiring is going to be able to write a kick-ass sales page? We asked some of our fave online marketers about hiring freelancers.

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We did these 7 things to a SaaS onboarding email sequence, and it tripled paid conversions

In this case study post, you’ll see how we rewrote Wistia’s SaaS onboarding emails (track 3) to bring in a big ol’ lift in paid conversions. Includes before-and-afters.

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Today, We Are Fools. Happily. (Why we built and are finally launching Airstory.)

After 2.5 years of researching, interviewing, iterating, scrapping it all and starting over, we’re officially launching Airstory, the drag-and-drop document builder for teams. Here’s the rocky path that got us here.

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10 Tried and Tested Time Management Strategies for 2021

My time management has been shitty lately. (And by “lately” I mean “for the last 24 months or so.”) Here’s what people say I should do to get my calendar, schedule and life under control. You should probably take some of the advice in here, too.

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We sent an email some people hated. Others loved it. Here’s what it did for our business.

“People don’t read long emails.” We hear that all the time (it’s second only to our other fave, “People don’t read online.”). And yet, long emails seem to work. Brilliantly. Not just for us at Copyhackers, either. We think a more accurate statement is: “People don’t read boring emails.” Amen. In the past 4 months, we’ve […]

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Our Facebook ads experiment. I didn’t expect what I found.

LAST UPDATED ON JANUARY 30, 2023 Facebook Ad Copy How-Tos: Let me start with the bad news: with Facebook, images matter more than copy.   Images are everything in Facebook ads. Consumer Acquisition found that images are so important, they’re responsible for some 75 to 90% of an ad’s performance. Because of this, Consumer Acquisition […]

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How do you turn great home page copy into killer home page copy? (Case Study)

You’ve got winning home page copy. Your A/B test data proves it. So now what? Do you leave it as is, knowing it’s gonna perform, or do you try to improve on it? In this post, we’ll show you how we developed split-test ideas to further optimize home page copy. Complete with test results.

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We used these 3 copywriting principles on a home page. And doubled ecommerce revenue. (Case Study)

How do you write home page copy that could possibly double the revenue for your site? In this post, we show you the 3 core copywriting principles we followed to optimize the home page copy for So your copy actually stands a chance of connecting with prospects. And converting them to paying customers.

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Here’s why it’s so hard to write convincing copy

Copywriting is broken. At least, it’s really bloody hard to write convincing copy in the current state of things. Let’s discuss the usefulness / uselessness of home pages and the problem of writing for scanning eyes.

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Here are 19 growth hacks for your SaaS startup. They’re backed by science.

Whether you like the term “growth hacks” or not, the fact of the matter is this: there are a bunch of smarter ways to grow your biz. Here are 19 of ’em – complete with over 30 examples from startups like Airbnb, Dropbox, Wistia, Buffer and DollarShaveClub.

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Why Your Copy Needs to Pick a Fight

The Lane Bryant #ImNoAngel campaign is the most recent of many comparative advertising campaigns that call out competitors directly. We’ve found that the benefits of writing copy that picks a fight with your competitors far outweighs the challenges. In this post, see the studies and examples that will help you decide: should your copy pick a fight?

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Every Copywriting Formula Ever (or The Ultimate Guide to No-Pain Copywriting)

The greatest, most prolific copywriters on the planet don’t start from scratch. Join the ranks of top copywriters – even if you aren’t a copywriter – by using copywriting formulas to write and optimize your words. We’ve got every single copywriting formula we could find in this one post.

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The Question of Asking Questions

“Want to sell more books?” vs “Hi, I’m Tim Grahl” – these two headlines were split-test against one another on a pop-up. In this post, you’ll see which one outperformed the other and, importantly, why that might have been.

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I use a Diva List. Every freelance copywriter should use a Diva List. Here’s why.

You’ve heard the saying, “The client turns on the lights.” That old idea makes your work feel less than valuable. As much as our clients make it possible for us to have a thriving business, we too make it possible for their businesses to thrive. Read this post to see how you can make yourself more desirable to prospective clients – so the convo isn’t about who’s helping whom more… but rather how they can hire you to work for them STAT.

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How to write copy: A copywriting crash course by Mad Men (Infographic)

Mad Men has now ended, and the copywriters of the world wail in sadness. How will anyone ever understand us again? How will we live without Peggy Olson to look up to and commiserate with? To make us feel better, we put together this infographic featuring top copy lessons from Don Draper, Peggy Olson, Freddy Rumsen, Michael Ginsberg and others.

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Choices, Consequences and the Reason Every Pop-Up Box Needs 2 Buttons: Opt In, and Opt Out

You use opt-in boxes and pop-ups to grow your list. But are you missing out on converting more visitors to subscribers by focusing entirely on the opt-in? Have you considered testing pop-ups featuring opt-out buttons as well? If not, read this to see why every lead-capture pop-up box needs an opt-in and opt-out button.

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Copywriting Articles

Best copywriting niches for new freelancers Read more
How to prepare for Black Friday & Cyber Monday. Hint: Focus on lead gen. Read more
Demand generation vs lead generation: Do you need both? Read more
Tool roundup: Best email marketing software for small businesses Read more
Facebook ad strategy. 5 Ideas to use in your 2023 Facebook campaigns. Read more
Your guide to SMS marketing: Tools and tips for your next campaign Read more

Growth Marketing

The ‘Ship It’ Manifesto: How to get your content assets out of Marketing Purgatory Read more
How to prepare for Black Friday & Cyber Monday. Hint: Focus on lead gen. Read more
Social Proof: 5 new studies that prove its continued persuasive power Read more
Take the guesswork out of book cover design with user testing (a Copyhackers case study) Read more
Tool roundup: Best email marketing software for small businesses Read more
5 key elements of high converting landing pages (with examples) Read more


Best copywriting niches for new freelancers Read more
The 7 best ways to make money online in 2023 without a degree Read more
Copywriting jobs: How to find them if you’re a new freelancer Read more
Website copywriting 101: A guide to writing for the web Read more
Analytics questions all copywriters should ask their clients Read more
How to become a copywriter this year (without any experience) Read more

Quick Tips

Best copywriting niches for new freelancers Read more
How to prepare for Black Friday & Cyber Monday. Hint: Focus on lead gen. Read more
Demand generation vs lead generation: Do you need both? Read more
Facebook ad strategy. 5 Ideas to use in your 2023 Facebook campaigns. Read more
Attention Interest Desire Action: Use this to get, and keep, people reading Read more
Copywriting: the best side hustle for writers in 2023 Read more

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